just one more : Virgin and Child From Notker’s Old German Psalter
Einsiedeln, 12th century
12 3/16 x 9 7/16 in. (31 x 24 cm)Stiftsbibliothek, Saint Gall Cod. 21
Opening to the Gospel of John and the Punishment of AriusFrom the Bible of Stephen HardingCîteaux, France; 1109Bibliothèque Municipale, Dijon, MS 15
Matthew Paris (ca. 1200–1259).
The Virgin and Christ Child; Christ Crucified; Christ in Majesty. From Chronica Majora, vol. 1. Saint Albans, England, ca. 1240–53. Corpus Christi College Library, Cambridge, MS 26.
above images and captions taken from: